Inner Mongolia, China

On September 27th, the New Energy and Energy Storage System Control Summit Forum (NEESSC 2023) was held in Mianyang with the technical support of IEEE and was successfully selected as the “First-class Academic Event” cultivation demonstration project of the Sichuan Association for Science and Technology. With the strong support from the Organization Department of Mianyang Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and Mianyang Education and Sports Bureau, it was jointly organized by Southwest University of Science and Technology, Organization Department of Fucheng District Committee of Mianyang City, Professional Committee of Simulation Technology Application of China Simulation Federation, Professional Committee of New Energy and Energy Storage System Control of Chinese Association of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu Innovation Research Institute of Sichuan Tianfu New District of Southwest University of Science and Technology, Innovation Achievement Industrialization Public Service Platform of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Academician Workstation of Southwest University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Civil-Military Integration Institute, School of Information Engineering of Southwest University of Science and Technology, Smart Energy Storage Research Institute, Sichuan Electric Power Research Institute, Dongfang Electric Co., Ltd., Sichuan Injet Electric Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Neware Electronics Co., Ltd. and AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center.

At the conference venue, over 200 scholars from renowned institutions and universities worldwide, including the UK, Denmark, Canada, and China, as well as prestigious institutions like Aalborg University, Robert Gordon University, and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology of China, Tianjin University, Hefei University of Technology, Anhui University, North China Electric Power University, Nanchang University, Northeast Electric Power University, Southwest Petroleum University, China Automotive Battery Research Institute, Avic Chengdu Aircraft Industry (Group) Co., Ltd., gathered in person. They convened to discuss the latest research findings and trends in fields like new energy and energy storage systems, fostering international academic exchange and collaboration. It was a highly informative and globally oriented-academic event.

At the opening ceremony, Academician Guobin Fan of the Chinese Academy of Engineering pointed out that we should actively respond to the national call for urban development, focus on accelerating the construction of China’s science and technology city, and align with the “Five-city Strategy” of promoting cities through advancing technology, strengthening industries, fostering openness, cultivating talents, and enhancing ecological beauty, to drive sustainable urban renewal and boost long-term urban development.

Speech by Guobin Fan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

Speech by Qi Huang, IEEE Fellow and President of Southwest University of Science and Technology, China
IEEE Fellow、西南科技大学校长黄琦致辞

Qi Huang, IEEE Fellow and President of Southwest University of Science and Technology, said that the university is a joint project of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Government, Ministry of Education, and State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence, and is also recognized as one of the 14 key universities in western China by the Ministry of Education. In recent years, the university has been diligently working towards its goal of becoming a high-level institution with distinctive characteristics. Leveraging the advantages of its collaborative partnership with the local industry and research sectors, the university has actively seized development opportunities, striving for high-quality and content-rich education. It has achieved significant success in various areas, including discipline development, talent cultivation, and scientific research. Southwest University of Science and Technology has produced a multitude of significant technological achievements in the field of smart grids and green, low-carbon energy storage, which have been widely applied across various industries. These efforts have contributed positively to the development of Mianyang’s science and technology city and the growth of the regional economy.

In the presentation session, keynote speeches were delivered by 12 guests, including Prof. Qi Huang, IEEE Fellow, from Southwest University of Science and Technology, Prof. Liuping Wang, IEAust Fellow, from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Prof. Weihao Hu from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Assoc. Prof. Qian Xiao from Tianjin University, Prof. Liping Chen from Hefei University of Technology, Prof. Hui Pang of Xi’an University of Technology, Prof. Xiangtao Bai from China Automotive Battery Research Institute, Dr. Carlos Fernandez from Robert Gordon University, Dr. Xiaolong Wu from Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Strategy Research and Technology Transfer Promotion Center, Assoc. Prof. Yujie Wang from the University of Science and Technology of China, Dr. Lizhou Liu from Tsinghua University, and Dr. Siyu Jin from Aalborg University. They shared research achievements, novel ideas, and technological innovations around cutting-edge topics such as new energy and energy storage systems. On-site experts and scholars actively participated, creating a vibrant and engaging atmosphere for discussions and exchanges.


Guest Speakers


2023年9月27日,在中共绵阳市委组织部、绵阳市教育和体育局大力支持下,由西南科技大学联合中共绵阳市涪城区委组织部、中国仿真学会仿真技术应用专业委员会、中国自动化学会新能源与储能系统控制专业委员会、中国科学技术大学、四川大学、电子科技大学、成都信息工程大学、西南科技大学、西南交通大学、西南科大四川天府新区成都创新研究院、国家工信部创新成果产业化公共服务平台、西南科技大学院士工作站、四川省军民融合研究院、西南科技大学信息工程学院、智慧储能研究院、四川电力科学研究院、东方电气股份有限公司、四川英杰电气股份有限公司、深圳市新威尔电子有限公司和AEIC学术交流中心等单位共同举办,并成功入选四川省科学技术协会“一流学术活动”培育示范项目,获得IEEE技术支持的新能源与储能系统会议(NEE SSC 2023)在绵阳隆重召开!
IEEE Fellow、西南科技大学校长黄琦介绍道,西南科技大学是四川省人民政府与教育部、国防科工局共建高校,是教育部确定的国家重点建设的西部14所高校之一。近年来,学校紧紧围绕建设特色鲜明高水平大学奋斗目标,充分发挥“共建与区域产学研联合办学”体制机制优势,积极抢抓发展机遇,努力推动学校教育事业高质量内涵式发展,在学科建设、人才培养、科学研究等领域均取得了显著成效。西南科技大学在智能电网与绿色低碳储能领域产出了一大批重大科技成果并广泛应用到行业各大领域,为推动绵阳科技城建设和服务区域经济发展作出了积极的贡献。
大会报告环节,由IEEE Fellow西南科技大学黄琦教授、IEAust Fellow澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学王六平教授、电子科技大学胡维昊教授、天津大学肖迁副教授、合肥工业大学陈立平教授、西安理工大学庞辉教授、国联汽车动力电池研究院柏祥涛教授、英国罗伯特-戈登大学Carlos Fernandez博士、深圳市科技创新战略研究和技术转移促进中心吴肖龙博士、中国科学技术大学汪玉洁副教授、清华大学刘力舟博士、丹麦奥尔堡大学金思宇博士等12位嘉宾作主旨报告,围绕新能源、储能系统等前沿话题,分享了研究成果、新颖思路和技术创新。现场专家、学者积极参与,共同营造了热烈、浓厚的交流氛围。


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